How an Employee First, Customer-Centric Model has Led to Incredible Growth for MANIORPEDI

January 13, 2023

Let’s take a moment to talk about a business trend we LOVE, and that we hope continues to take shape and become stronger as time goes on! And that trend is taking care of your employees! 

It has been shown time and again that “a happier workforce is clearly associated with companies’ ability to deliver better customer satisfaction — particularly in industries with the closest contact between workers and customers.” One rockstar founder, Paulina Serrato, deeply believes in this link, and has seen the positive impact of an employee-first strategy within her own business, MANIORPEDI.

Like many entrepreneurs, Paulina started MANIORPEDI when she realized a major gap in the market. After passing several empty nail salons in the middle of a weekday, a lightbulb went off, and she knew she needed to fill that gap. So she started a mobile nail salon with the goal of meeting working men and women at their places of employment.

And she chose to focus on some often overlooked aspects of the nail care industry: fair pay and equitable treatment for all nail technicians, one-time use products, and unsurpassed customer service. 

All of this care and attention shows! In 2019, MANIORPEDI was awarded New York City’s Mobile Business of the Year, and Paulina has been featured in numerous online publications, such as On The Dot Woman, Luxurlux, and Telemundo’s Mujeres Imparables. 

Read on to learn more about Paulina, her journey founding and building MANIORPEDI, her pandemic experience, and some fun news about what’s next for the business!

Let’s Get Started!

Everyone Deserves a MANIORPEDI Moment

Let us know how many mobile nail technicians you need, and we’ll promise to deliver. Our team has worked at large 10,000+ employee offices, NYFW, multi-office appreciation events, brand activations and more.

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